I’ve only found Ann Arbor from an airplane once. Thanks to the Big House, I got lucky one particularly bright afternoon and found the maize block M emblazoned on the back of one of the Jumbotrons from 30,000 feet above it. From there, I traced Hoover Street to State Street with my eyes as I […]
Tag: philosophy
Confessions: Why I Became a Libertarian
Over the years, I noticed that the political right had been deserted by Muslims and thus had to resort to its own, often times – but not always – misinformed, voices about who Muslims and Islam are. More importantly, I noticed an incursion upon the principles and values of the Muslim community in America.
The Curious Case of Caitlyn Jenner and What We Ought to Do About It
Needless to say, I think this is all malarkey; that is, all of this jargon is merely academic posturing dressed up in high-sounding definitional rhetoric—all to obscure a deeper reality: that modern gender theory is merely a cover under which those confused about their maleness or femaleness can work out their own misgivings, past hurts, and future insecurities under and within what appears to be a large, welcoming tent of legitimacy. It is no such thing.