Our political discourse is nonsensical. The Republican party is at war with itself, with Reganites clashing with Trumpian-populists for the soul of the GOP. In the Midwest, the Democratic platform feels like it was airdropped from Mars, with the laughably out of touch party losing Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin in the 2016 presidential election […]
Tag: Life
Abortion and Body Autonomy: President of U of M Students for Life President Discusses
Operating under the assumption that a human fetus does have personhood, Rachel broke down four primary arguments surrounding the issue of a woman’s control over her own body in terms of her right to an abortion On October 8th, Rachel Crawford, a biopsychology and cognitive neuroscience major and president of the U of M Students […]
Kanye West and The Life of Pablo
Following the controversy and speculation, guest writer Ben Weil dives into Kanye West’s latest work: The Life of Pablo. “Name one genius who ain’t crazy,” Kanye raps on The Life of Pablo, his newest album that definitively proves that he is both of these things. The line stands as an excuse for all the controversial […]
Mud Bowl Delivers
Swarms of fans packed into the scenic backyard at the corner of South University and Washtenaw Avenue on Saturday morning to witness the 82nd and perhaps most tensely anticipated edition of the Mud Bowl. The host squad, The Flying Eagles, soared to a hard-fought victory in the annual mud-soaked touch football match, as serene conditions and […]