It was truly disheartening to see the beautiful city I had known all my life in such a state. Walking through an empty downtown, with the few people out and about hiding behind masks, and seeing the boarded-up businesses and carnage of the anarchy permanently colored my perception of Chicago.
Tag: Chicago
Reopen Chicago: How the CTU is Harming Students
On March 13, 2020, the Chicago Public Schools schools suspended in-person instruction due to the coronavirus outbreak. Many CPS students, such as myself, were disappointed at the prospect of losing another two weeks of our academic year, which had already been cut short by a 14-day teachers’ strike orchestrated by the Chicago Teachers Union in […]
The University of Michigan Must Embrace Free Speech
We, along with Dean Ellison and the University of Chicago, recognize that speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act; without it, we are forever doomed to darkness. And so we speak now, aligning ourselves with liberty and truth, and bid others join us.