To our devoted readers, If you’re anything like myself, over the past year you’ve viewed the news media through oscillating waves of nausea and deep-seated rage. It seems that every time I flip on my television or peek at a news update on my phone, I find myself overwhelmed in my resignation. For many, the […]
Tag: Campus
Watch: Anti-Trump Protesters Gather on Diag
After Trump’s victory shocked liberals across the country, college students took to the streets and parks of their communities to vent their rage. At the University of Michigan, students gathered on the Diag, the heart of the main campus, to protest on Wednesday evening.
Professor Rotenberg Speaks about Free Speech and Privacy
On Thursday, October 13th, Professor Marc Rotenberg, Professor of Law at Georgetown University and President of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, led a discussion at the University of Michigan on privacy and free speech in the internet age. The discussion was held in Mason Hall as part of the University of Michigan LSA Honors program’s […]
The American Jury: A Smoked-Filled Room For Racists To Hide In
Is it constitutional to prohibit evidence that may prove that a juror is racist? The Supreme Court of the United States is set to hear Peña-Rodriguez v. Colorado, which is about whether a no-impeachment rule constitutionally may bar evidence of racial bias offered to prove a violation of the Sixth Amendment right to an impartial jury. […]
Why I Dropped My English Major
As a steadfast believer in the value of literature I am appalled at the degree to which English standards have degraded at a top-tier school like the U of M. If there is any lesson I would like to impart from my experience with the department, it is that rhetorical measures, like those taken by […]
Freedom to Bear Arms and Use the Bathroom?
When placed side by side gun control and transgender bathroom rights challenge traditional left-right conceptions of freedom. The debates surrounding both gun rights and transgender restroom rights center on the level of control Americans are willing to cede to the U.S. government. Clearly, these issues are not comparable in terms of their implications: enacting stricter […]
Fetlife: Behind Closed Doors
Fetlife, which functions similarly to Facebook, boasts millions of accounts and allows users to maintain personal profiles, add friends, create groups and organize events — all with a focus on the BDSM lifestyle.
Executive Editor and FIRE Intern Erin Dunne Talks Free Speech on Campus
Many college students and Americans have a less than through understanding of the protections afforded by the First Amendment.
Campus Coverage: Michigan Primaries
The Michigan Review offers ground coverage on campus of the Republican and Democratic primaries on Tuesday March 9th. Learn whom your peers are voting for and why they’re all wrong.
New Medical Amnesty Support from CSG
Would you rather Trump or Rand as president? I genuinely want Trump to win for my entertainment and because he’ll show people how centralized government is. But if Rand had a reasonable shot at winning I’d have to support him.