Student Group Heads to DC to Celebrate Freedom


Students from the University of Michigan Young Americans for Liberty will head to the nation’s capitol next week to attend the largest pro-liberty student gathering in the world.

The International Students for Liberty Conference brings together about 1,600 students each year for a weekend celebration for the cause of freedom. Last year, more than 1,400 students from all seven continents attended. This year’s conference is Feb. 14 – 16.

Attendees will participate in a live taping of the STOSSEL Show and will hear from speakers such as Ghanaian economist George Ayittey, drug policy reform proponent Ethan Nadelmann, and participate in breakout sessions held by organizations such as the Cato Institute, the Koch Foundation, the Foundation for Economic Education, and the Institute for Humane Studies. Other highlights include a liberty fair, a concert, socials, and an art exhibit.

In 2009, YAL was awarded the International Libertarian Group of the year award at the Students for Liberty conference for it’s work on the University of Michigan Campus. This year, 35 YAL students from backgrounds as diverse as Engineering and Classical Latin will be joining 60 Michigan libertarians from around the state to bus to Washington DC.

For more information about YAL, or Students for Liberty, contact


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About Derek Magill

Derek Magill was a contributor to the Michigan Review.