Slices of Change: Samantha Power’s Insight from the U.N. to U-M

On Wednesday, September 25, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power gave a talk to Michigan students and faculty. Presenting as part of the Weiser Diplomacy Series from various foreign policy experts, Power gave thoughtful advice to both the diplomatic community and the college crowd.  The lecture, structured around her new book The Education […]

The Academy in Crisis

The humanities departments of America’s universities are dominated by a rigid ideology. Putting a label on this ideology is tricky, but it can be expressed as a complementary blend of political correctness, postmodernism, postcolonialism, Marxism, and intersectional identity politics. For the sake of convenience, I will refer to this blend of ideas as “progressive” ideology. […]

A Nuclear Bomb

In October of 2013, Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid had a decision to make. The Republican Party under Minority Leader Mitch McConnell seemed to take pleasure in delaying the Senate. FIlibusters were becoming the norm and cloture motions, votes to break a filibuster, had nearly doubled from the Bush era, as logjam seemed to be […]