Farewell, Prince Philip

Last week, Buckingham Palace announced that Prince Philip, husband to Queen Elizabeth II for nearly 75 years, had passed away aged 99.  Although the royal family has had no formal role in governing these shores since early-July of 1776, it maintains an intriguing and even fascinating grip on a part of the American psyche.  While […]

Cancel Cancel Culture

In recent months, the country has seen the reemergence of cancel culture, the id of American political discourse. It can best be defined as an overly and aggressively punitive practice of reprimanding disagreement in which one is browbeaten, usually by online rage mobs, for statements or actions both innocuous and unacceptable. When one is “canceled,” […]

Expose, Don’t Erase, History

In the aftermath of the protests surrounding the abhorrent murder of George Floyd, some Americans have started calling for the destruction of statues of important historical figures. Six statues of confederate general Robert E. Lee have been either willingly removed by local governments or forcibly removed and/or deformed by protestors in the past two weeks.  […]