Federal Courts now Focused on Allegations of Corruption at IRS

In March of 2010, it was discovered that the IRS was subjecting certain organizations applying for tax-exempt status to heightened scrutiny if their ideologies were not consistent with those of the Obama administration. Several months ago, the IRS disclosed that – well after complaints about discriminatory treatment had been lodged and Congressional investigations had been […]

God Save the Union: British Patriotism Remains Strong Despite the Careerist Political Class

Cry God for Harry, England, and St. George. The people of Scotland have decided that the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is to remain a United Kingdom: with 2,001,926 votes in favor of union and 1,617,989 votes in favor of independence. Many reacted gleefully: Daniel Hannan writes in The Telegraph, “I don’t much […]

The Crisis of the United Nations Human Rights Council

The United Nations has been the target of harsh criticism for electing corrupt governments to its human rights council. One such member government is Turkey, which currently censors the Internet, mistreats protestors, and refuses to investigate its political killings of the indigenous Kurdish population, not to mention its failure even to acknowledge the well-documented genocide […]


The former Michigan governor whose leadership oversaw a severe economic downturn, skyrocketing unemployment, Detroit’s emerging bankruptcy, and the meltdown of the automotive industry, is now aprofessor specializing in job growth. This fall, Michigan’s former Democratic Gov. Jennifer Mulhern Granholm is teaching a graduate course focused on “creating jobs through better government policies,” the class description […]

Conservative Congressmen No Longer Under Heritage Action’s Thumbs

The Heritage Action for America organization held its first ever Conservative Policy Summit on Monday, February 10, 2014. The daylong conference brought together nine conservative politicians from all over the country to discuss a new reform agenda that will hopefully be pursued in the coming years. Heritage Action is a newly formed policy advocacy organization […]

Common Sense Action Press Release

Common Sense Action Launches the First Annual Campus-Movement Competition Ann Arbor, MI – Common Sense Action officially launched the CSA Campus Challenge.  Twenty-five chapters will compete to build the Common Sense Action movement on their campuses, and they will begin to introduce the Agenda for Generational Equity (AGE) – CSA’s Millennial policy agenda – to electoral candidates. The […]

Libertarians Receive Pat on the Back from Coleman Administration

On January 27th, members of the Young Americans for Liberty sent a letter to the Coleman administration which called the diversity program at the university “skin deep,” and asked the administration to clarify whether it was committed to intellectual diversity, or only “diversity…within a set of narrow parameters.” The email cited the disparity between liberal […]