College Republicans at the University of Michigan made a formal endorsement of Donald Trump and Mike Pence for President and Vice President on Wednesday
Category: Politics
Why Third Party Candidates Might Have a Shot in 2020
More than any past election cycle, this particular presidential race has Americans perplexed and hoodwinked by a process they have (mostly) trusted. During the chaos that is a presidential campaign, dozens or even hundreds of politicians are sifted through in order to find the man or woman best suited for the Oval Office.
Smugness and the Ryan Selfie
Speaker Paul Ryan should have known that his selfie with congressional interns would become a sensation as soon as it hit the internet.
The Hypocrisy of Congressional Advocates for the Minimum Wage
As is typical for the U.S. Congress, they have legislated rules and regulations that they themselves are exempt from.
It’s Still The Economy, Stupid
Voters support Trump and Bernie for a single, fundamental reason: the economy.
NewMich: The Party of Division
When there is a political bias present within CSG, however, it can serve to marginalize students that disagree.
Letter to the Editor: 5 Reasons Why I’m Capitalist
Support for “democratic socialism” is growing on campuses across the country. With so many students caught up in Bernie fever, this seems like an appropriate time to bring some diversity to the conversation—some intellectual diversity.
Say Yes to (All) Drugs!
Instead of implementing laws that damage individuals, families and communities the government should take the realistic approach to drug use based in harm reduction of legalization. Not only would this be a financially pragmatic decision but it would also result in better health outcomes for citizens and align with the American principles of individual liberty and freedom.
Rubio is the new Obama
Obama is arguably the “coolest” president we have ever had. If you eliminate his dreadful first pitches at baseball games with awful throwing-form, along with his occasional sporting of mom jeans, this assertion is tough to argue.
‘We Told You So’
Those who were hesitant to shame Hungry for closing their borders were scoffed at the for proposing a potential slew of sexual assault, poverty, and welfare abuse resulting from accepting these dispossessed migrants. And yet, here we are. In a world where these radical racist Republicans’ wildest nightmares have come to life.