Get Off Facebook

Particularly during election season, college students find themselves bored in class, scrolling through Facebook, and sharing various videos and articles on each of the candidates and the varied, politically polarizing political happenings across the country. There’s nothing quite like finding a clever argument against the opposing side of the political spectrum and sharing it for […]

Abortion and Body Autonomy: President of U of M Students for Life President Discusses

Operating under the assumption that a human fetus does have personhood, Rachel broke down four primary arguments surrounding the issue of a woman’s control over her own body in terms of her right to an abortion On October 8th, Rachel Crawford, a biopsychology and cognitive neuroscience major and president of the U of M Students […]

CSG Does Not Represent Us

Editor-in-Chief Deion Kathawa takes aim at the feckless institution of CSG: “[R]ather than make themselves accountable to you, the student body, in a simple interview, your elected representatives have made it abundantly clear that they find this duty to be merely optional—even though it was you who bestowed upon them their present positions and their corresponding powers. In short, they hold you in contempt.”

Free Speech: Not Just for the “Right”

Free speech is not merely a political tool of the “right” or the “left” but rather an integral civil liberty necessary for an informed, democratic society that seeks social progress. Casting free speech and the First Amendment as opposed to social justice limits the ability of activists to push for change and separates two causes […]