It is difficult for me to overstate the impact the last four years here at the University of Michigan have had on me: personally, socially, and intellectually. I grew immensely as a person, learning much about myself that will continue to serve me for the rest of my life. I made lasting friendships and connected […]
Author: Deion Kathawa
LSA Student Government Passes Pro-Free Speech Resolution
The LSA Student Government released a statement on April 14 regarding free speech on campus wherein it “formally reaffirm[ed] its commitment to the principles of free speech that are meant to guide discourse on any university campus.” The statement was written on the heels of the passage of a resolution that asked the university to […]
CSG Is a Social Justice Cult and Doesn’t Represent All UM Students
Recently, I put forward a resolution to Central Student Government (CSG), A.R. 6-042, entitled “A Resolution That Commits Robustly Both This Body and the University as a Whole to Free Speech, or, the ‘Dangerous School’ Resolution.” The vote was held on March 28; my resolution was defeated. The recent, deeply disturbing events at Middlebury College […]
Talk on Human Dignity Packs Hill Auditorium
On Tuesday, February 7, a talk entitled “What Does It Mean To Be Human?” drew thousands to Hill Auditorium, filling the venue to capacity. Mr. Abdu Murray and Dr. Ravi Zacharias, both Christians, endeavored to defend the Judeo-Christian notion of human dignity. Both noted that even ardent secularists were beginning to realize the impossibility of […]
Editor-in-Chief Discusses Post-Election Campus Climate at the Michigan Political Union
My hope is that this election teaches progressives that demonizing all white people, or all men, or all Christians is repugnant—not to mention horribly ineffective if your goal is to win elections.
CSG Does Not Represent Us
Editor-in-Chief Deion Kathawa takes aim at the feckless institution of CSG: “[R]ather than make themselves accountable to you, the student body, in a simple interview, your elected representatives have made it abundantly clear that they find this duty to be merely optional—even though it was you who bestowed upon them their present positions and their corresponding powers. In short, they hold you in contempt.”
Student Government is a Colossal Waste of Time
What is at all funny about a pack of attention-seeking college students posing for classy headshots in the Law Quad in order to convince wholly apathetic college students that their party is the one that will surely bring #diversity and #inclusion to the Wolverine family? It’s pathetic.
A Case Against the Legalization of Drugs
Ultimately, drugs ought to not be legalized because they damage the fragile social fabric upon which the country (and the whole civilized world more generally) rests. They do untold damage to (predominantly) poor individuals, and further already rampant economic and social inequality.
In Defense of Street Preachers
Why do we pretend that God is not real? And that if he is, that He doesn’t care about us? Why do we fool ourselves into believing that the cavernous longing we experience, bordering on unbearable, our intense yearning for perfect truth, goodness, and beauty, are mere quirks in our psychological make-up, rather “signposts,” pointing us to the Divine?
Kill the Death Penalty
Utah’s governor recently signed a bill into law allowing firing squads, and now the debate over the death penalty is again in vogue. Mahatma Gandhi once said: “The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” While it may seem inappropriate and even deeply off-putting to some […]