Follow me on a journey to a mystical land: a land so foreign to many, yet ever so prevalent throughout the world. A land across the water in the continent known as Europe, where they play a little game called football. I’m not talking about the kind of football stateside where Tom Brady ridiculously dominates […]
Author: Michigan Review
Exercises in Public Relations: The ‘Go Blue Guarantee’
Last Thursday, President Mark Schlissel alongside several members of the Board of Regents announced the “Go Blue Guarantee”, promising well-needed financial support for some of Michigan’s lower income families. The guarantee ensures that in-state students whose family incomes fall at or below $65,000 per year receive a full-tuition scholarship for the entirety of their time […]
Songs for the Summer
As summer unfolds its warmth and vibrant hues, music enthusiasts eagerly seek out the perfect soundtrack to accompany their sun-kissed adventures. Amidst the eclectic array of genres, there’s a timeless allure to country music that resonates deeply with the essence of the season. There’s something inherently nostalgic and evocative about country melodies that captures the […]
My Israel Experience and My Michigan Legacy
I was looking for disabled friendly travel destinations at Wild Spirit Expeditions and decided to travel to Israel over winter break with paid airfare and lodging on a ten-day college leadership program hosted by the Jewish National Fund (JNF). I found out about the JNF and their Caravan for Democracy program through a listserv email […]
It’s Official: Picketers are Pro-Nazi “Hate Group”
Every Saturday for over 13 years picketers sponsored by a group calling itself Deir Yassin Remembered have picketed Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor. That group has now been listed by one of America’s leading civil rights organizations on its annual register of “Active Hate Groups.” To fight bigotry of all types, the Southern Poverty Law Center […]
Watch: Anti-Trump Protesters Gather on Diag
After Trump’s victory shocked liberals across the country, college students took to the streets and parks of their communities to vent their rage. At the University of Michigan, students gathered on the Diag, the heart of the main campus, to protest on Wednesday evening.
The University of Michigan Must Embrace Free Speech
We, along with Dean Ellison and the University of Chicago, recognize that speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act; without it, we are forever doomed to darkness. And so we speak now, aligning ourselves with liberty and truth, and bid others join us.
Kanye West and The Life of Pablo
Following the controversy and speculation, guest writer Ben Weil dives into Kanye West’s latest work: The Life of Pablo. “Name one genius who ain’t crazy,” Kanye raps on The Life of Pablo, his newest album that definitively proves that he is both of these things. The line stands as an excuse for all the controversial […]
Letter to the Editor: 5 Reasons Why I’m Capitalist
Support for “democratic socialism” is growing on campuses across the country. With so many students caught up in Bernie fever, this seems like an appropriate time to bring some diversity to the conversation—some intellectual diversity.
Critical Issue: The Review Debates Drug Legalization
Our Politics Editor Deion Kathawa and Campus Editor Erin Dunne debate drug policy. Deion believes that drugs should be illegal, while Erin believes they should all be legal. “The solution to racist drug policing is not to throw out the baby with the bath water, it is to fix the racist system.” – Deion Kathawa […]