Why the Left Even Bothered with a Second Impeachment

From the very start of the Biden administration, the proposal for unity made its way into the Democrats’ ultimate goal. They claim that all they want now is to unify with their fellow brothers and sisters under one administration that will set us all free of systemic racism, white male oppression, a horrible pandemic, and so much more. But, strangely enough, their idea of unity seems to be haphazardly one-sided

While the democrats unendingly preach unity, there seems to be an ulterior motive slowly emerging as Biden signs more executive orders into law. The Democrats want one-way unity. They want the country to unify under their ideas of what is right and wrong because they believe that they know what’s best. It also seems that, no matter how hard they try to push their agenda of unity, they keep running into this funny little snag that they just can’t seem to leave alone. Like the little knitted pills that emerge on your favorite sweater after wearing it all the time, the democrats continue to tug at the invisible snag that’s begging to be pulled off, whose name is Former President Donald J. Trump. 

The Democrats want one-way unity. They want the country to unify under their ideas of what is right and wrong because they believe that they know what’s best.

The Democrats can’t seem to drop the subject of Trump. They’ve decided to keep him in the news a bit longer by dragging him through yet another invalid impeachment. While most people are definitely still confused why the media is even bothering covering Former President Trump anymore, there are several reasons that they just can’t seem to give Trump a break that have nothing to do with the January 6 Capitol Riots. The left is terrified that Trump will run again in 2024. With unified control of the government, they want to send a message to all Republicans. 

The left felt so threatened by Former President Trump, so intimidated by him, that they felt they couldn’t even give him a shot at the next election. They figured that if they did so, he wouldn’t be able to win and undo all of Biden’s job-killing, carbon-emitting policies that he’s been signing over the last month or so. The Democrats are also afraid that people will start to compare years of Democrat rule with years of  Republican rule. By making sure Trump doesn’t run for office again, they’re able to point to the positives of Trump’s four years as products of the Obama administration, and not conservative policy. 

The Democrats also seem to have gained a sort of unchecked power. Now with the media and big tech both on their side, they’ve been able to reign unrestrained, getting away with crimes and offenses that would be covered for months if they were repeated on the conservative side. While Trump was definitely a controversial president, his main positive characteristic was that he stood up not only for himself, but for his party. When Trump was in office, the left saw that they couldn’t control him, and that petrified them. So what did they do when he was first elected? They tried to impeach him. While he didn’t get removed, none of those who accused him faced any significant repercussions. So the left saw that no one would hold them accountable, and decided that they could do it again with no consequences. 

Lastly, Democrats feel that they need to send a message of intimidation to conservatives and Republicans. By impeaching Trump, even though they didn’t win either time, they did it to show Republicans and conservatives that it’s not even worth the fight. The Democrats want us to be so afraid, so disheartened, that instead of standing up for what we believe in, we lay down on their laps like neutered cats. It also seems that the Democrats want to continue to ignore history. In both America and the rest of the world, we’ve seen that suppressing the expression of ideas and silencing voices, such as what has been happening to conservatives today all over the nation, never leads to a successful restraint of the oppressed. It instead sparks the anger and resentment of the suppressed that slowly builds up into an explosive outrage that demands justice, equality, and freedom. 

The Democrats want us to be so afraid, so disheartened, that instead of standing up for what we believe in, we lay down on their laps like neutered cats.

Overall, the left’s second weak attempt at the impeachment of Former President Trump felt more like an excessive, petty political stunt. They may have claimed that they were fueled by the Capital Riots on January 6, but there were many overt messages that they sent towards Republicans, daring us to even try to fight back. They’re terrified that we will spread our ideas and open the eyes of those who are skeptical of Biden’s excessive executive orders. So the left banded together with big tech to stifle conservative “noise” and promote only that which they agree with.

Now is the time to realize that conservatives and Republicans are no longer being passively pushed down and out of society, but submerged beneath the surface of what the left views as right and wrong instead of the constitutional truth of the matter. We need to start to push back, ruffle feathers, and demand accountability for those who sit above the law. Show them that we won’t be silenced.

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