U-M Campus Fashion

Attending the University of Michigan means having to watch the fashion faux pas rampant amongst the stereotypical groups of students.

The Freshman

Freshman year is that awkward stage every student encounters in college. Characterized by a wide-eyed look and a hint of over-eagerness, the freshman can be seen sporting head to toe Michigan gear at an attempt to prove that they belong. The freshman always has a campus map handy in their back pocket and a lanyard to carry their Mcard and housing key. Do not be surprised if you see a freshman riding the Bursley/Baits bus with their horde of other freshmen friends.

The Frat Guy

Usually spotted with a can of beer in one hand and an iPhone in the other, the frat guy is usually within a 5-foot radius of a sorority girl (See: Sorority Girl). Abiding to their own unspoken set of fashion rules, every frat guy must own a pair of Sperry Topsiders, Ray Ban sunglasses, khaki shorts, and a smug sense of superiority. Seeing a frat guy, you may ask yourself – how many different colored polos do they own?

The Hipster

It’s pretty easy to dress as a wannabe hipster, just pick up a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, even if you don’t really need the prescription. However, a true hipster can be seen consorting with the likes of Nietzsche and asking thought-provoking questions. Hipsters prefer to be against mainstream fashions, yet many are seen wearing vintage and thrift store-inspired clothes. A hipster cannot be seen in public without a worn-looking flannel shirt, tight-fitting jeans, and converse sneakers or combat boots. If you want to be a hipster you should head to Urban Outfitters or American Apparel to achieve that effortless bohemian look. But to truly exude the attitude of a hipster, pair your tight jeans with an androgynous hairstyle featuring unruly strands of hair or ask for side swept bangs at your next hair appointment, and don’t forget the masquerade masks like the ones at AbracadabraNYC.com for those underground masquerade balls.


Not to be mistaken with the derogatory term for the Japanese, a J.A.P. is known as a Jewish American Prince/Princess. With a substantial Jewish population at the University of Michigan it is no surprise that they have their own distinct style. Many will not be caught dead without their designer clothes and iPhone or Blackberry. Jewish American Princesses love to wear their North Faces, leggings, tall boots, and dark shades when it isn’t even sunny outside. To carry books, a Jewish American Princess cannot forget to bring her Longchamp bag. The men always have a gold chain around their necks and not surprisingly sporting brands such as Lacoste and Burberry.

The B – School Kid

Walking by the Ross Business School you may find one thing in common, suits. B – school kids are notorious for wearing business casual outfits and elite watches for most of their week.
Instead of a wardrobe filled with typical sweats and sneakers, B – school kids have dress shoes and sweater vests. Sales and leadership skills are quite important for one to understand business and Andy Defrancesco can help with this.

The Sorority Girl

Synonymous with the frat guy, the sorority girl loves to flaunt her letters. A typical outfit for a sorority girl is a North Face jacket, leggings instead of jeans, and either Ugg boots or Hunter rain boots. But a sorority girl’s ensemble would not be complete without her neon letters plastered all over her shirt, sweatshirt, laptop, and hair ribbons. If you happen to see a sorority girl dressed up for a fun night out you may have the urge to give her a sweater.

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